Welcome! :D

Hi! I'm Cassia, I'm using this site for the sake of school, I hope you enjoy my site

My favourite things are cats! They are so cute! Who doesn't love cats??

Here's a list of some of my favourite things:

I don't know what else to put so

heres my favourite site!

I was told to use code.org, scratch, or microsoft make code, but I hate block coding so I just went on here since I know HTML (i dom't, well i do but i searched how to use hyperlinks 3 times because i forgot the a tag at the end.) anyways, this site was supposed to be much more nicer, but I can't really do CSS as well as HTML, and I couldn't find any good background images.

To fill up more space on this site, I'll rant about my favourite bands.

I really like visual kei, it's a Japanese music movement, basically the Japanese's take on glam rock. I think visual kei is really cool, theres a lot of substyles and each band is unique. No visual kei band is too boring to me, at least. The website I linked before is actually a visual kei database website, it's like a database and forum website, but they don't really want forums, but people treat it as one. I'll put a image of a visual kei band here.

This is my favourite band, BUCK-TICK, they are very cool!

This is a BUCK-TICK song, very awesome song!

Ok, I'm gonna treat this as a blog since I need to edit this more, I don't want to, but I need to do something in class D':

Thursday, June 13, 2024

In class again, very bored, were about to go outside, i'll update this more later since i dont have a lot of time, thats also why my grammar is bad right now


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I'm in class today again, I feel like this website needs some touch, glitter, or music, I forgot how to do autoplay, I remember doing it on spacehey a while back. Ok, I did it, but I don't know if it worked, I don't want to blast "emo" Japanese music in class. My friends Avery and Audri are listening to music with earbuds on, Avery was playing annoying noises, I told her to search "The Audri poop song", it was interesting. I don't have a lot to write about for now, I'm really tired. I'll leave this blog undone for now.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I'm in class today, we did some stupid code worksheet, I don't get the point of it, it wasn't actual code, ok I shouldn't call it stupid, more, unecessary.. ANYWAYS! I finished the worksheet, thankfully, but I don't really know what to do, there were some sites on the board but they were coding blocks, I don't like blocks, they confused me, that's why I'm using this site, I find HTML easier, HTML is fun, it's like it does more than you typed. My friend, Janya, it beside me doing some sort of dance thing on Scrath, I said it looks like her, my other friend Audri said it looks like Asian young Sheldon, I can't unsee it, I am concerned. We are also doing poetry in language, I don't like poetry, I'm not William Shakesphere. My teacher said no skibidi toilet in our poems, I had to hold in my laughter.. I'm gonna rant about other coding languages now. Ok. I was working on a roblox AI of my friend Avery. The AI WAS supposed to run around and try and eat you, but I needed to code in Python, I don't know Python, and I'm not asking my dad to code for me in Python (he can code in Python) and the tutorials online wouldn't work. I did find a hosting service for AI that would work similarly enough but it cost money, I don't have money.